Scientific methods

Advanced Data Analysis


Basic regulation and organization of clinical research (eBROK)

Data Analysis in R

Clinical Prediction Models (WK80)

Datamanagement (introduction 1 and 2)

Good clinical practice

Mediatie Analyse (K82)

Missing Data: Consequences and Solutions (WK81)

Mixed Models (WR05)

Principes van epidemiologische data-analyse (V20)

Regressietechnieken (V30)

Systematische reviews en meta-analyse (K71)

Writing a Data Management Plan
Many funding agencies nowadays request a Data Management Plan (DMP). In addition, all researchers at VUmc/Amsterdam UMC conducting research involving human subjects have to write a DMP, irrespective of where they get their funding from.

During the ‘Writing a Data Management Plan’ training of 12-June-2023, 9-12 (registration deadline 5-June-2023) you will learn how to write a Research Data Management Plan. This training is primarily intended for first year PhD candidates and junior researchers of the VUmc who are at the start of their research project, but is free of charge and accessible for all Amsterdam UMC researchers who would like to learn more about research data management and writing a DMP.

The ‘Writing a Data Management Plan’/’Writing a DMP’ training was established in collaboration with the UBVU, whereby this variation for VUmc researchers is organized by Research Support, domain Research Data Management at Amsterdam UMC, specifically for medical research.

This interactive training on how to write a good Research Data Management Plan, includes the following topics:

  • - Working according to the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable -
  • - Amsterdam UMC specific procedures and templates
  • - Privacy aspects
  • - Requirements per type of research (lab/animal/human/WMO/nWMO/etc.)

Specifications training

  • - Registration deadline is 5 June 2023 (max 20 participants)
  • - Date (online) meeting: 12 June 2023, 9-12
  • - Location: online (through Zoom, educational license through VUmc)
  • - Language: English
  • - Certificate: yes
  • - Study load: 1 EC (reading material, writing a draft DMP, workshop participation, finalizing your DMP)

Registration or information through (stating the Amsterdam UMC contact details), subject ‘Registration training Writing a DMP’

Detailed overview of time investment

  • - Preparation (reading materials): 10 hours
  • - Go through the Amsterdam UMC DMP template and fill this in for the assignment: 2 hours
  • - Write first draft of DMP: 8 hours
  • - Workshop: 3 hours
  • - Finalize your DMP: 4 hours
  • - Go through feedback in DMP: 1 hour
  • - Total 28 hours (= 1 EC)

Relevant links