The Institute for Cardiovascular Research

ICaR-VU (The Institute for Cardiovascular Research) is dedicated to the research in Cardiovascular Diseases from bench to bedside and back. One of the main tasks of the ICaR-VU is to stimulate and promote interdisciplinary research to be able to cover the range 'from patient to gene'. Therefore the research is oriented towards a limited number of cardiovascular diseases. This choice leads to a much better and more coherent research, does away with the boundaries between clinical and preclinical departments, and stimulates multidisciplinary research. Thus, it was decided that, as of January 1 1997 the Institute would concentrate on the following two themes; The improvement of Cardiac function in Heart Failure and the improvement of vascular function in Metabolic Diseases.

The cooperation between ICaR-VU and department of anesthesiology is primary based on the researches within the theme tissue perfusion (Acute & Perioperative Care).